Fast Sites with AI Translations

Build your own static site with multiple languages. Made easy with AI tooling!

This is a boilerplate project for building static sites with multiple languages. It uses i18next for translations, and a custom language switcher. It also includes a sitemap generator, and a robots.txt generator. Validations of HTML are built in.

Helping you go from 1 language to 20+ languages

Built into the framework is a language switcher. You can switch to any of the languages either by a drop down or links in a footer. This site is an example of what that looks like.

Not only is the content different per page, but URLs are adjusted. The sitemap is built out with links for all the languages so search engines can easily find the content. The robots.txt file is also adjusted to allow search engines to crawl the site.

Sites that are fast and secure

As a static site generator, the output is kept very small. On many of my sites, each HTML file runs at about 20KB. This makes your site very fast to load. You can purchase access to the GitHub repositories and future updates here.

Want it done for you?

I will take a single HTML file with inline JavaScript and create translation pages for it. The translations will be generated by AI and may not be fully reviewed by humans. The source code and resulting HTML files will be provided.

I can also provide a 10 page site conversion.

Straightforward code

TypeScript - pages/IndexPages.ts
export async function IndexPages(): Promise<FileResult[]> {
return renderLanguageFiles({
  subDirectoryInEnglish: undefined,
  fileNameInEnglish: undefined,
  includeInSitemap: true,
  render: (props) => Index(props),
return Layout({
  lang: props.option.code,
  title: title,
  description: metaDescription,
  languageOptions: props.allOptions,
  content: /* HTML */ `
    <h1>${i18next.t("Fast Sites with AI Translations")}</h1>
      ${i18next.t("Build your own static site with multiple languages. Made easy with AI tooling!")}
TypeScript - build.ts
(async () => {
  await StaticSiteBuild({
    baseUrl: "",
    files: [
      await IndexPages(),
      await ContactUsPages(),
      await FAQPages(),
      await PrivacyPolicyPages(),
      await CopyStaticFiles(),
    translationSource: "GoogleTranslate",
    forceFileWrite: !devFlagPresent,
    validationOptions: {
      HTML: devFlagPresent ? "Sample" : "Full",
      internalURLs: true,
      skipUrls: [
    startTime: startTime,
Command Line - output
… Starting build for
… Skipping 90 files with no changes
… Verifying HTML is valid
✓ Finished verifying 10 HTML files
… Verifying internal URLs
✓ No internal URL errors found
✓ Done in 428 ms with 94 files

For a short overview video geared toward TypeScript developers, see:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in Global Sites (Lifetime)?

A boilerplate set of files to assist you in building static sites with multiple languages. Additionally, gain access to the repository for updates and support.

Is this built with React or Next.js?

No, it is not. The concepts are easily understood by those who know React, but it uses i18next for translations and string based template definitions. There are tools for consistency and ease of development with this boilerplate.

What is your return policy?

You gain access to the repository, therefore refunds are not possible.

How long does it take to gain access to the repository?

I manually add access currently. I try to add them very quickly. At worst, it should be within one business day. (Based in Ohio, USA)

Do multiple languages make a difference?

Yes, in my tests I get about half of my traffic going to non-English pages. I should have more information as my pages get more traffic.

Do I need to use one of your themes?

No. While a basic theme is included, I don't see that as the main value of this tool. Others specialize in high quality themes.